Sunday, November 28, 2021

Divine Books. Delhi

Divine Books 40/ 13, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007 Ph.No. 9582410231 (Whatspp only) Email Our Series Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series, Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series, Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series ========================================== 1 & 2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and Dvaita Readings Vol. I Skandhas 1- 7 & Vol. 2 Skandhas 8-12./ T.R. Krishnacharya/ ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0/ (SET) /Rs. 1500 3. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira. Translated by N.C. Aiyar. ISBN.978-81-920763-3-1 / Rs. 1000 5. The Twelve Principal Upanisads with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss / Trans. into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra./ ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5/ Rs.1500 6 & 7. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana , 2 Vols.- (Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.)., (Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II) / Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen, 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET) / Set.Rs.1500 9 & 10. The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira, 2 Vols.- Eng.Trans/ N.Chidambaram Iyer.(2 Parts.)ISBN 978-93-81218-17-4(SET) / Set. Rs 1000 11. Bhakti Ratnawali with the Commentary of Vishnu Puri Translated by a Professor of Sanskrit, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 / Rs. 400 12. An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Srisa Chandra Vasu, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0/ Rs.150 13, The Brihat Jatakam of Varaha Mihira.Eng.Trans. by Swami Vijnananda. ISBN. 978-93-81218-27-3. Rs. 1000 14. The Patanjali"s Yoga Sutras.Trans. Rama Prasada. Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-26-6. / Rs. 1000 15. Sri Narada Pancaratram - The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/ English Translation Swami Vijnananda/ ISBN 978-93-81218-25-9 / Rs.600 16-24..Sriman Mahabhartam- A New edition mainly based on the South Indian texts with footnotes and readings ( 9 vol. with a Descriptive contents & Alphabetical Index of Sriman Mahabharatam) Ed. T.R.Krishnacharya & T.R.Vyasacharya. / 9 Vols.Set. ISBN.978-93-81218-39-6 (set). Rs.4500 25. Lalitaarchana-Chandrika-Hymns to Lalita, form of Tripurasundari, Hindu Deity for Worship and Associated rituals/ Trans.Prof.S.K.Ramachandara Rao. 2nd ed. ISBN.978-93-219-45-7. Rs. 300 26. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja- The Essence of Self-Recognition/ Introduction with practical notes/ Dmitri Semenov.ISBN.978-93-81218-47-1. Rs 400 27,28,29. Vastu- Silpa Kosha Encyclopaedia of Hindu Temple Architecture and Vastu / Prof. S. K.Ramachandra Rao. , 978-93-81218-51-8,(SET). 3 Vols. Set. Rs.2000 The second volume has a detailed description of Vastu illustrations and symbolic representations. The third volume focuses on the architectural and scuptural ideas. It deals with Vastu Vidya, the rituals of Alaya-sthapana and other details. 30. Bhavopanishad -Text with Translation and Explanation./ S. K. Ramachandra Rao. ISBN.978-93-81218-56-3. / Rs.600 31. Sri Sukta-Text with Translation and Explanation./ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao.ISBN.978-93-81218-55-6. / Rs.200 32. The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One- A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, with the Commentary - of Vidyacakravartin/ David Peter Lawrence . / Rs. 800 33. The Advaita Worldview- God, World, and Humanity/ Anantanand Rambachan/ Rs. 400 34. Meditation on Lalita Sahsaranama/ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao. / Rs 400 35) The Philosophy Sadhana- with Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir/ Deba Brata Sen Sharma. Foreword Paul Muller Ortega. / Rs. 600 36) Singing Krishna – Sound becomes sight in Paramanand's Poetry/ A Whitney Sanford/ RS. 800 37) Jivanmukti in Transformation- Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo Vedanta/ Andrew O Fort/ Rs. 800 38) Yoga and the Luminous- Patanjali's Spiritual Path to Freedom/ Christopher Key Chapple/ Rs. 800 39) Female Ascetics in Hinduism/ Lynn Teskey Denton. 9789381218754 Rs. 800 40) Silence Unheard-Deathly Otherness in Patanjala Yoga/Yohanan Grinshpon. 9789381218761. Rs. 600 41) Guest at God"s Wedding (celebrating Kartik Among the women of Benaras)Tracy Pintchman. 9789381218778, Rs.800-00 42) Tales for the Dying (The Death Narrative of the Bhagvata-Purana) E.H.Rick Jarow. 9789381218785. Rs.800-00 43. The Doctrine of Vibration -(An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices Associated with Kashmir Shavism) /Mark S.G.Dyezkowski. 9789381218792. Rs.1000 Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series ============================= 3. Ayurvedic Care & Cure of the Digestive System/ Prof. Dr.P. H.Kulkarni. ISBN.978-03-81218-19-8 / Rs.300 4. Experiments with Drugs of Ayurveda/ Dr.P.H. Kulkarni/978-93-81218-20-4 / Rs.300 5.Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice/ Prof. P.H.Kulkarni., 978-93-81218-41-9/ Rs.250 6. Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage/ John Douillard/ 978-93-81218-40-2/ Rs. 1500 7. Ayurveda Nidana -The Diagnosis & Pathology. / Prof. P.H.Kulkarni, ISBN 978-93-81218-57-0./ Rs.300 8. Positive Health in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan, ISBN.978-93-81218-58-7. / Rs.300 9. Obesity and Ayurveda- Care and Cure /Prof. Ajay Kumar Sharma , Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma. ISBN.978-93-81218-58-4./ Rs.500 10. Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty First Century/ S. Cromwell Crawford / Rs. 800 11. Mettalic and Mineral Drugs in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan/ Rs. 500 12. Introduction to Ayurveda/ Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao/ Rs. 500 13. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine/ Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni. / Rs. 300 Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series ======================================= 1. The Dhammapada & Sutta Nipata (Collection of Verses & Discourses). Translated into English by F Max Muller & V. Fausball. , ISBN.978-93-81218-09-9/ Rs.500 2. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara / E.Obermiller. ISBN. 978-93-81218-18-1. / Rs. 800 3. The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha Bodhisattva - Translated from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. / ISBN 978-93- 81218-14-3 / Rs.450 4. Buddhist Suttas/ English Translation by T.W. Rhys Davids. ISBN 978-93-81218-02-0 / Rs.450 5. Hand Book of Colloquial Tibetan/ Graham Sandberg. ISBN.978-93-81218-10-5. Rs.800 6. Buddha Carita of Asvaghosha / English Translation by E.B.Cowell. ISBN 978-93-81218-04-4/ Rs.500 7. The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha, Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha, Vajracchedika, Larger Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra, Smaller Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra /Trans. F. Max Muller, The Amitaayur Dhyana Sutra Translated by J.Takakusu, (The Buddhist Mahayana Text)/ Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-03-7, / Rs.500 8- 10. Vinaya Texta/ Translated by T.W. Rhys Davids & Hermann Oldenberg, 3 Vols. (VOL I- The Patimokkha, The Mahavagga I-IV.), (VOL. II-The Mahavagga,V-X, The Culavagga I-III), (VOL. III- The Culavagga IV-XII) 978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) / Price. Rs.800 Per Vol. / Rs. 2400 ( 3 vols.set) 11. The Lotus Sutra - English translation of Saddharma-Pundrika Sutra/ Trans.H.Kern/ ISBN 978-93-81218-01-3 / Rs. 600 13 & 14. The Questions of King Milinda.Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. 2 Vols. 978-93-81218-24-2. (Set.) Rs. 1500 (set) 15. Buddhist Texts from Japan. Ed. F.Max Muller, ISBN. 978-93-81218-43-3./ Rs.800 16. Experiencing Buddhism - Ways of Wisdom and Compassion / by Ruben L. F. Habito / . ISBN.978-93-81218-46-4.Rs. 800 17. Nagarjuna & the Philosophy of Openness/ Nancy McCagney/ Rs. 800 18. Mediating the Power of Buddhas- Ritual in the Manjusrimulakalpa / Glenn Wallis/ Rs. 800 19. Into the Jaws of yama(lord of Death) Buddhism Bioethiucs & Death/Karma Lekshe Tsome. 9789381218730 Rs.800 20, Buddhist Women & Social Justice-Ideals Challenges & achivements/Karma Lekshe Tsome. 9789381218747 Rs.800. Send Your Orders to: DIVINE BOOKS 40/13, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007,India Ph. 9582410231 (whatsapp only) Email

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Divine Books.Delhi 

Divine Books

40/ 13,  Shakti  Nagar, Delhi 110007

Ph.No. 9582410231 (Whatspp only)


Our Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series,

Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series,

Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series


1 & 2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and  Dvaita Readings

 Vol. I Skandhas 1- 7 & Vol. 2 Skandhas 8-12./ T.R. Krishnacharya/ ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0/ (SET) /Rs. 1500

3. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira. Translated  by N.C. Aiyar. ISBN.978-81-920763-3-1 / Rs. 800

5.  The Twelve Principal Upanisads with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss

/ Trans. into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra./ ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5/ Rs.1500

6 & 7. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana , 2 Vols.- (Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.)., (Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II)

/ Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen, 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET) /  Set.Rs.1500

9 & 10. The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira,  2 Vols.-  Eng.Trans/ N.Chidambaram Iyer.(2 Parts.)ISBN 978-93-81218-17-4(SET)  / Set. Rs 1000

11. Bhakti Ratnawali with  the Commentary of Vishnu Puri Translated by a Professor of Sanskrit, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 / Rs. 400

 12.  An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Srisa Chandra Vasu, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0/ Rs.150

13, The Brihat Jatakam of Varaha Mihira.Eng.Trans. by Swami Vijnananda.   ISBN. 978-93-81218-27-3. Rs. 1000

14. The Patanjali"s Yoga Sutras.Trans. Rama Prasada. Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-26-6. / Rs. 1000

 15.   Sri Narada Pancaratram - The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/ English Translation Swami Vijnananda/ 

  ISBN 978-93-81218-25-9 / Rs.600

16-24..Sriman Mahabhartam-  A New edition mainly based on the South Indian texts with footnotes and readings (  9 vol.

 with a Descriptive contents &  Alphabetical Index of Sriman Mahabharatam) Ed. T.R.Krishnacharya & T.R.Vyasacharya. /

9 Vols.Set. ISBN.978-93-81218-39-6 (set). Rs.3500

25. Lalitaarchana-Chandrika-Hymns to Lalita, form of Tripurasundari, Hindu Deity for Worship and Associated rituals/

 Trans.Prof.S.K.Ramachandara Rao. 2nd ed. ISBN.978-93-219-45-7. Rs. 300

26. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja- The Essence of Self-Recognition/ Introduction with practical notes/

Dmitri Semenov.ISBN.978-93-81218-47-1. Rs  400

27,28,29. Vastu- Silpa Kosha

Encyclopaedia of Hindu Temple Architecture and Vastu / Prof. S. K.Ramachandra Rao. ,

978-93-81218-51-8,(SET).    3 Vols. Set. Rs.2000

The second volume has a detailed description of Vastu illustrations and symbolic  representations. The third volume focuses on the architectural and scuptural ideas. It deals with Vastu Vidya, the rituals of Alaya-sthapana and other details.

30. Bhavopanishad  -Text with Translation and Explanation./ S. K. Ramachandra Rao. ISBN.978-93-81218-56-3. / Rs.600

31. Sri Sukta-Text with Translation and Explanation./ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao.ISBN.978-93-81218-55-6. / Rs.200

 32.  The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One- A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, with the Commentary

-    of Vidyacakravartin/

      David Peter Lawrence . / Rs. 800

 33. The Advaita Worldview-  God, World, and Humanity/ Anantanand Rambachan/ Rs. 400

34. Meditation on Lalita Sahsaranama/ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao. / Rs 400

35)  The Philosophy Sadhana-  with Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir/ Deba Brata Sen Sharma.

 Foreword Paul Muller Ortega. / Rs. 600

36)   Singing Krishna – Sound becomes sight in Paramanand's Poetry/ A Whitney Sanford/ RS. 800

 37)  Jivanmukti in Transformation- Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo Vedanta/ Andrew O Fort/ Rs. 800

38) Yoga and the Luminous- Patanjali's  Spiritual Path to Freedom/ Christopher Key Chapple/ Rs. 800

39) Female Ascetics in Hinduism/ Lynn Teskey Denton. 9789381218754      Rs. 800

40) Silence Unheard-Deathly Otherness  in Patanjala Yoga/Yohanan Grinshpon. 9789381218761.   Rs. 600

41) Guest at God"s Wedding (celebrating Kartik Among the women of Benaras)Tracy Pintchman. 9789381218778,  Rs.800-00

42) Tales for the Dying (The Death Narrative of the Bhagvata-Purana) E.H.Rick Jarow. 9789381218785. Rs.800-00

43. The Doctrine of Vibration -(An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices Associated with Kashmir Shavism)

/Mark S.G.Dyezkowski. 9789381218792.  Rs.800

Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series


 3. Ayurvedic Care & Cure of the Digestive System/ Prof. Dr.P. H.Kulkarni. ISBN.978-03-81218-19-8  / Rs.300

4. Experiments with Drugs of Ayurveda/ Dr.P.H. Kulkarni/978-93-81218-20-4 / Rs.300

5.Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice/ Prof. P.H.Kulkarni., 978-93-81218-41-9/ Rs.250

6. Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage/ John  Douillard/ 

978-93-81218-40-2/  Rs. 1500                                              

7. Ayurveda Nidana -The Diagnosis & Pathology. / Prof. P.H.Kulkarni, ISBN 978-93-81218-57-0./  Rs.300

8. Positive Health in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan, ISBN.978-93-81218-58-7. / Rs.300

9. Obesity and Ayurveda- Care and Cure /Prof. Ajay Kumar  Sharma , Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma. ISBN.978-93-81218-58-4./  Rs.500

10. Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty First Century/ S. Cromwell Crawford /

Rs. 800

11. Mettalic and Mineral Drugs in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan/ Rs. 500

12. Introduction to Ayurveda/ Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao/ Rs. 500

13. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine/ Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni. / Rs. 300

Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series


1. The Dhammapada & Sutta Nipata (Collection of Verses & Discourses).

 Translated into English by F Max Muller & V. Fausball.  , ISBN.978-93-81218-09-9/ Rs.500

 2. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara / E.Obermiller.

ISBN. 978-93-81218-18-1. / Rs. 800

3. The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha  Bodhisattva - Translated from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. / ISBN 978-93-  81218-14-3 / Rs.450

4. Buddhist Suttas/ English Translation by  T.W. Rhys Davids.

ISBN 978-93-81218-02-0 /   Rs.450

5. Hand Book of Colloquial Tibetan/ Graham Sandberg.

ISBN.978-93-81218-10-5. Rs.800

6.  Buddha Carita of Asvaghosha / English Translation by  E.B.Cowell.

ISBN 978-93-81218-04-4/ Rs.500

7. The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha,  Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha,

 Vajracchedika, Larger Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra, Smaller Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra /Trans. F. Max Muller,

The Amitaayur Dhyana Sutra Translated by  J.Takakusu, (The Buddhist Mahayana Text)/ Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-03-7,  / Rs.500

8- 10. Vinaya Texta/ Translated by T.W. Rhys Davids & Hermann Oldenberg, 3 Vols.

(VOL  I- The Patimokkha, The Mahavagga I-IV.), (VOL. II-The Mahavagga,V-X, The Culavagga I-III), (VOL. III-  The Culavagga IV-XII)

978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) / Price. Rs.800 Per Vol. /

Rs. 2400 ( 3 vols.set)

11. The Lotus Sutra - English translation of Saddharma-Pundrika Sutra/ Trans.H.Kern/ ISBN 978-93-81218-01-3  /  Rs. 600

13  & 14. The Questions of King Milinda.Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. 2 Vols. 978-93-81218-24-2. (Set.)  Rs. 1500 (set)

15.  Buddhist Texts from Japan. Ed. F.Max Muller, ISBN. 978-93-81218-43-3./  Rs.800

16. Experiencing  Buddhism - Ways of Wisdom and Compassion / by Ruben L. F. Habito / .

  ISBN.978-93-81218-46-4.Rs. 800

17. Nagarjuna & the Philosophy of Openness/ Nancy McCagney/ Rs. 800

18. Mediating the Power of Buddhas- Ritual in the  Manjusrimulakalpa / Glenn Wallis/   Rs. 800

19. Into the Jaws of yama(lord of Death) Buddhism Bioethiucs & Death/Karma Lekshe Tsome. 9789381218730  Rs.800

20, Buddhist Women & Social Justice-Ideals Challenges & achivements/Karma Lekshe Tsome.

    9789381218747   Rs.800.

Send Your Orders to:


40/13,  Shakti Nagar,

Delhi 110007,India

Ph. 9582410231 (whatsapp only)


Monday, June 28, 2021

Divine Books, July 2021


Divine Books

40/ 13,  Shakti  Nagar, Delhi 110007

Ph.No. 9582410231 (Whatspp only)


Our Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series,

Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series,

Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series


1 & 2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and  Dvaita Readings

 Vol. I Skandhas 1- 7 & Vol. 2 Skandhas 8-12./ T.R. Krishnacharya/ ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0/ (SET) /Rs. 1500

3. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira. Translated  by N.C. Aiyar. ISBN.978-81-920763-3-1 / Rs. 800

5.  The Twelve Principal Upanisads with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss

/ Trans. into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra./ ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5/ Rs.1500

6 & 7. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana , 2 Vols.- (Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.)., (Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II)

/ Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen, 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET) /  Set.Rs.1500

9 & 10. The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira,  2 Vols.-  Eng.Trans/ N.Chidambaram Iyer.(2 Parts.)ISBN 978-93-81218-17-4(SET)  / Set. Rs 1000

11. Bhakti Ratnawali with  the Commentary of Vishnu Puri Translated by a Professor of Sanskrit, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 / Rs. 400

 12.  An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Srisa Chandra Vasu, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0/ Rs.150

13, The Brihat Jatakam of Varaha Mihira.Eng.Trans. by Swami Vijnananda.   ISBN. 978-93-81218-27-3. Rs. 1000

14. The Patanjali"s Yoga Sutras.Trans. Rama Prasada. Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-26-6. / Rs. 500

 15.   Sri Narada Pancaratram - The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/ English Translation Swami Vijnananda/ 

  ISBN 978-93-81218-25-9 / Rs.600

16-24..Sriman Mahabhartam-  A New edition mainly based on the South Indian texts with footnotes and readings (  9 vol.

 with a Descriptive contents &  Alphabetical Index of Sriman Mahabharatam) Ed. T.R.Krishnacharya & T.R.Vyasacharya. /

9 Vols.Set. ISBN.978-93-81218-39-6 (set). Rs.3500

25. Lalitaarchana-Chandrika-Hymns to Lalita, form of Tripurasundari, Hindu Deity for Worship and Associated rituals/

 Trans.Prof.S.K.Ramachandara Rao. 2nd ed. ISBN.978-93-219-45-7. Rs. 300

26. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja- The Essence of Self-Recognition/ Introduction with practical notes/

Dmitri Semenov.ISBN.978-93-81218-47-1. Rs  400

27,28,29. Vastu- Silpa Kosha

Encyclopaedia of Hindu Temple Architecture and Vastu / Prof. S. K.Ramachandra Rao. ,

978-93-81218-51-8,(SET).    3 Vols. Set. Rs.2000

The second volume has a detailed description of Vastu illustrations and symbolic  representations. The third volume focuses on the architectural and scuptural ideas. It deals with Vastu Vidya, the rituals of Alaya-sthapana and other details.

30. Bhavopanishad  -Text with Translation and Explanation./ S. K. Ramachandra Rao. ISBN.978-93-81218-56-3. / Rs.600

31. Sri Sukta-Text with Translation and Explanation./ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao.ISBN.978-93-81218-55-6. / Rs.200

 32.  The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One- A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, with the Commentary

-    of Vidyacakravartin/

      David Peter Lawrence . / Rs. 800

 33. The Advaita Worldview-  God, World, and Humanity/ Anantanand Rambachan/ Rs. 400

34. Meditation on Lalita Sahsaranama/ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao. / Rs 400

35)  The Philosophy Sadhana-  with Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir/ Deba Brata Sen Sharma.

 Foreword Paul Muller Ortega. / Rs. 600

36)   Singing Krishna – Sound becomes sight in Paramanand's Poetry/ A Whitney Sanford/ RS. 600

 37)  Jivanmukti in Transformation- Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo Vedanta/ Andrew O Fort/ Rs. 800

38) Yoga and the Luminous- Patanjali's  Spiritual Path to Freedom/ Christopher Key Chapple/ Rs. 800

39) Female Ascetics in Hinduism/ Lynn Teskey Denton. 9789381218754      Rs. 800

40) Silence Unheard-Deathly Otherness  in Patanjala Yoga/Yohanan Grinshpon. 9789381218761.   Rs. 600

41) Guest at God"s Wedding (celebrating Kartik Among the women of Benaras)Tracy Pintchman. 9789381218778,  Rs.800-00

42) Tales for the Dying (The Death Narrative of the Bhagvata-Purana) E.H.Rick Jarow. 9789381218785. Rs.800-00

43. The Doctrine of Vibration -(An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices Associated with Kashmir Shavism)

/Mark S.G.Dyezkowski. 9789381218792.  Rs.800

Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series


 3. Ayurvedic Care & Cure of the Digestive System/ Prof. Dr.P. H.Kulkarni. ISBN.978-03-81218-19-8  / Rs.300

4. Experiments with Drugs of Ayurveda/ Dr.P.H. Kulkarni/978-93-81218-20-4 / Rs.300

5.Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice/ Prof. P.H.Kulkarni., 978-93-81218-41-9/ Rs.250

6. Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage/ John  Douillard/ 

978-93-81218-40-2/  Rs. 1500                                              

7. Ayurveda Nidana -The Diagnosis & Pathology. / Prof. P.H.Kulkarni, ISBN 978-93-81218-57-0./  Rs.300

8. Positive Health in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan, ISBN.978-93-81218-58-7. / Rs.300

9. Obesity and Ayurveda- Care and Cure /Prof. Ajay Kumar  Sharma , Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma. ISBN.978-93-81218-58-4./  Rs.500

10. Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty First Century/ S. Cromwell Crawford /

Rs. 800

11. Mettalic and Mineral Drugs in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan/ Rs. 500

12. Introduction to Ayurveda/ Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao/ Rs. 500

13. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine/ Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni. / Rs. 300

Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series


1. The Dhammapada & Sutta Nipata (Collection of Verses & Discourses).

 Translated into English by F Max Muller & V. Fausball.  , ISBN.978-93-81218-09-9/ Rs.500

 2. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara / E.Obermiller.

ISBN. 978-93-81218-18-1. / Rs. 800

3. The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha  Bodhisattva - Translated from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. / ISBN 978-93-  81218-14-3 / Rs.450

4. Buddhist Suttas/ English Translation by  T.W. Rhys Davids.

ISBN 978-93-81218-02-0 /   Rs.450

5. Hand Book of Colloquial Tibetan/ Graham Sandberg.

ISBN.978-93-81218-10-5. Rs.800

6.  Buddha Carita of Asvaghosha / English Translation by  E.B.Cowell.

ISBN 978-93-81218-04-4/ Rs.500

7. The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha,  Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha,

 Vajracchedika, Larger Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra, Smaller Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra /Trans. F. Max Muller,

The Amitaayur Dhyana Sutra Translated by  J.Takakusu, (The Buddhist Mahayana Text)/ Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-03-7,  / Rs.500

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